Pre-Filled Syringes market is growing at a very rapid pace owing to its usability, convenience, accuracy of dose and shortest possible time for injecting medicine. Globally, as the pharmaceutical industry is witnessing transition from administration of injections in clinician settings to home care settings, medical device manufacturers are also shifting their focus to the development of user friendly and patient compliant devices. Prefilled syringes are a result of this transition.
Demand for prefilled syringes is also driven by two other factors - mandatory protection of healthcare workers from needlestick injuries in the US and European countries and also reduction in drug overfills. This mandatory requirement in major healthcare markets has resulted in the overall increase in consumption of prefilled syringes in place of standard syringes before each dose is administered.
The prefilled syringes market is one of the fastest growing and profitable segments of global injectables market. Ease and accuracy associated with use of prefilled syringes has made pre filled syringes a fast-growing alternative to vials for many parenteral drugs such as vaccines, anticoagulants and therapeutic proteins.
The report titled “Global Prefilled Syringes Market: Trends & Opportunities (2012-2017)” provides an in-depth analysis of the global prefilled syringes market with major focus on biggest healthcare markets of U.S and Europe. It also assesses the key opportunities in the market and also outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry. Further, key players of the industry like Becton Dickinson, Unilife, Baxter, Covedian and Thermo Fisher have been profiled and growth of the industry has been predicted taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.
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1. Executive Summary
2. Global Injectable Drug Market: Overview
2.1 Global Injectable Market Size (Actual & Forecast)
2.2 Global Injectable Market: By Segment (Actual & Forecast)
2.3 Global Injectable Market: By Growth (Actual & Forecast)
2.4 Global Injectable Market: By Region
3. Global Pre-Filled Syringes Market: Overview
3.1 Pre-Filled Syringes: Introduction
3.2 Pre-Filled Syringes: Component Materials
3.3 Types of Pre-Filled Syringes
3.3.1 Glass-based System
3.3.2 Plastic based system
3.3.3 Glass vs. Plastic Prefilled Syringes
4. Prefilled Syringes: Advantages
4.1 Prefilled Syringes vs. Vials
5. Global Pre Filled Syringe Market
5.1 Global Pre Filled Syringe Market Size (Actual & Forecast)
5.1.1 Global Pre Filled Syringe Market Size by Value (Actual & Forecast)
5.1.2 Global Pre Filled Syringe Market Size by Volume (Actual & Forecast)
5.2 Global Pre Filled Syringe Market Share
5.2.1 Global Pre Filled Syringe Market by Competitors
5.2.2 Global Pre Filled Syringe Market by Consumption
5.2.3 Global Pre Filled Syringe Market by Buyers
5.2.4 Global Pre Filled Syringe Market by Region
6. The U.S.: Prefilled Syringes Market
Prefilled Syringes Market Size & Growth
Needlestick Injuries
7. Europe: Prefilled Syringes Market
Prefilled Syringes Market Size & Growth
Needlestick Injuries
8. Global Pre Filled Syringes: Technological Analysis
8.1 Pre Filled Syringes Technology Roadmap
8.2 Pre Filled Syringe Technology Description
8.3 Processing of Pre Filled Syringes
8.3.1 Sterilization of Prefilled Syringes
8.3.2 Dose Filling and Packaging of PFS
9. Global Pre Filled Syringes Market
9.1 Growth Drivers
9.2 Challenges
10. Global Pre Filled Syringes Market Trends
10.1 Availability of Drugs in Pre Filled Formats
10.2 Continuous Innovation for Safer Injections
10.3 Growth in Self-Injection with Different End-User Needs
10.4 Use of Safety Syringes in Healthcare Facilities
11. Company Profiles
11.1 Unilife Corporation
Business Overview
Financial Overview
Business Strategy
11.2 Becton, Dickinson and Company
Business Overview
Financial Overview
Business Strategy
11.3 Baxter International, Inc.
Business Overview
Financial Overview
Business Strategies
11.4 Covidien Plc
Business Overview
Financial Overview
Business Strategy
11.5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Business Overview
Financial Overview
Business Strategy
12. Recommendations
13. About Us
14. Disclaimer
Figure 1: Injectable Drug Delivery Market Segmentation
Figure 2: Global Injectable Market Size by Segments (2008-12E), US$ Billion
Figure 3: Global Injectable Market Size by Segments Forecast (2013E-17E), US$ Billion
Figure 4:Global Injectable Market Share by Segments (2012E)
Figure 5: Global Injectable Market Share by Segments Forecast (2017E)
Figure 6: Global Injectable Market Growth by Segments (2008-12E)
Figure 7: Global Injectable Market Forecasted Growth by Segments (2013E-1&E)
Figure 8: Global Injectable Device Market by Region (2010)
Figure 9: Prefilled Syringe
Figure 10: Prefilled Syringe : Components
Figure 11: Pre Filled Syringes: By Types
Figure 12: Glass Pre Filled Syringes
Figure 13: Global Prefilled Syringe Market Size by Value (2008-12E), US$ Billion
Figure 14: Global Prefilled Syringe Market Size by Value Forecast (2013E-17E), US$ Billion
Figure 15: Global Prefilled Syringe Market Size by Volume (2008-12E), Billion Units
Figure 16: Global Prefilled Syringe Market Size by Volume (2013E-17E), Billion Units
Figure 17: Global Pre Filled Syringes Market Share by Competitors (2010)
Figure 18: Global Pre Filled Syringes Market Share by Consumption (2010)
Figure 19: Buyers of Prefilled syringes (2011E)
Figure 20: Global Prefilled Syringe Share by Region (2011)
Figure 21: Pre Filled Syringes Technology Roadmap
Figure 22: Unilife Prefilled Safety Syringe
Figure 23: Steps in Processing of Prefilled Syringes
Figure 24: Prefilled Syringe Dose Filling
Figure 25: Sales Growth of Self Injection Market (2008-2014E) US$ Million
Figure 26: Common Instances of Needlestick Injuries
Figure 27: Drug Sales by Delivery Route (2010)
Figure 28: Disclosed Revenue for Approved Drugs Available in Prefilled Formats
Figure 29: Pre Filled Syringes for Different End-Users (No. of drugs)
Figure 30: Unilife Corporation, Revenue (2010-2012), US$ Million
Figure 31: BD Revenue by Business Segment (2012)
Figure 32: BD Revenue by Region (2012)
Figure 33: BD Revenue by Region (2012)
Figure 34: Baxter Revenue by Business Segment (2011)
Figure 35: Baxter Revenue (2011), US$ Billion
Figure 36: Covedien Sales by Business Segment (2012)
Figure 37: Covadien Net Sales (2010-12), US$ Billion
Figure 38: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Revenue by Business Segment (2011)
Figure 39: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Sales (2011), US$ Billion
Table 1: Components of Pre Filled Syringes
Table 2: Properties of Polymer-based PFS
Table 3: Glass vs. Plastic Suitability for Prefilled Syringes
Table 4: Key Advantages of Pre Filled Syringes (PFS)
Table 5: Commonly Used Safety Devices
Table 6: Pre Filled Syringe Technology Descriptions
Table 7: Filling/Stoppering Processes for PFS