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Global Cocoa and Cocoa Products Market (2014-19) - Research and Consulting Firms

Global Cocoa and Cocoa Products Market: Trends and Opportunities (2014-19)

Publish Date:July 2014
No. of Pages:80

Format : Adobe Reader (PDF) Instant delivery

US$ 850.00

Scope of the Report

The report titled “Global Cocoa and Cocoa Products Market: Trends and Opportunities (2014-2019)” provides an in-depth analysis of cocoa beans and cocoa products such as cocoa butter, cocoa powder, chocolates and other products using cocoa. The report provides detailed trade analysis of these products. It also focuses on major cocoa beans producing regions such as Ivory Coast and Ghana in Africa, Brazil and Ecuador in America, and Indonesia in Asia. The report also assesses the key opportunities and underlying trends in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry in the forecasted period (2014-19). Further, key clients of the industry such as Mars Inc., Mondelez International Inc. and Nestle S.A. are profiled in the report.

Geographical Coverage

Africa (Ivory Coast & Ghana)
America (Brazil & Ecuador)
Asia (Indoensia)

Company Coverage

Mars Inc.
Mondelez International Inc.
Nestle S.A.

Executive Summary

With increasing popularity of cocoa products in both mature and emerging nations, many countries now grow cocoa but the main producers are West Africa (Ghana, Ivory Coast and Nigeria), South America (Brazil and Ecuador) and Asia (Indonesia and Malaysia).

Global cocoa and cocoa products market is projected to grow in the forecasted period of 2014-19. The growth of the market is driven by high cocoa consumption in emerging Asian markets and incentives by companies and government to enhance cocoa production. However, factors such as volatility in price of cocoa, smallholder farms and diseases affecting cocoa are posing challenge to the growth of the industry. Major trends prevailing in the market include maximum chocolate launches in European market in recent years, sales of Fairtrade chocolate in Western Economies and growing demand for Fine Flavor Cocoa (FFC).

Tags :

1. Executive Summary

2. Cocoa: An Overview

2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Types of Cocoa

3. The Global Cocoa Supply Chain

3.1 Cocoa Sector: Value Chain

4. Cocoa Processing Chain

4.1 Chain Overview
4.2 Classification: Stage of processing and by product
4.3 End- Products of Chocolate

5. Global Cocoa & Cocoa Products Market Analysis

5.1 Global Cocoa Market Sizing by Production (Actual & Forecasted)
5.2 Global Cocoa Supply & Demand
5.3 Global Cocoa Market Share

5.3.1 By Region

6. Global Cocoa & Cocoa Products Trade Analysis

6.1 Cocoa Beans

6.1.1 Trading Price
6.1.2 Exports by Value & Volume
6.1.3 Imports by Value & Volume

6.2 Cocoa Butter

6.2.1 Trading Price
6.2.2 Exports by Value & Volume
6.2.3 Imports by Value & Volume

6.3 Cocoa Powder

6.3.1 Trading Price
6.3.2 Exports by Value and Volume
6.3.3 Imports by Value and Volume

6.4 Chocolate & Other Foods containing Cocoa

6.4.1 Exports by Value & Volume
6.4.2 Imports Value & Volume

7. Global Cocoa & Cocoa Products: Key Suppliers

7.1 Africa

7.1.1 Ivory Coast
7.1.2 Ghana

7.2 Americas

7.2.1 Brazil
7.2.2 Ecuador

7.3 Asia & Oceania

7.3.1 Indonesia

8. Global Cocoa and Cocoa Products: Growth Drivers & Challenges

8.1 Growth Drivers

8.1.1 High Cocoa Consumption in Emerging Asian Markets
8.1.2 Incentives to Enhance Production

8.2 Challenges

8.2.1 Cocoa Price Volatility
8.2.2 Smallholder Farms
8.2.3 Diseases Affecting Cocoa

9. Global Cocoa and Cocoa Products: Market Trends

9.1 Maximum Chocolate Launches in Europe
9.2 Fairtrade Chocolate Sales in Western Economies
9.3 Growing Demand for Fine Flavor Cocoa (FFC)

10. Competitive Landscape: Global Cocoa and Cocoa Products

11. Key Clients: Global Cocoa and Cocoa Products

11.1 Mars Inc.

11.1.1 Business Overview

11.2 Mondelez International Inc.

11.2.1 Business Overview
11.2.2 Financial Overview
11.2.3 Business Strategies

11.3 Nestle S.A.

11.3.1 Business Overview
11.3.2 Financial Overview
11.3.3 Business Strategies

Figure 1: The Global Cocoa Supply Chain
Figure 2: Value Chain of Global Cocoa Sector
Table 1: Cocoa Products Classification
Table 2: CAOBISCO Chocolate Products
Figure 3: Cocoa Stages of Processing & By-Product
Figure 4: Global Cocoa Bean Production, 2008/09–2012/13E (Million Tonnes)
Figure 5: Global Cocoa Bean Production Forecasted, (Million Tonnes)
Figure 6: Global Cocoa Demand, 2008/09-2012/13E (Million Tonnes)
Table 3: Global Cocoa Supply/Demand Forecast
Figure 7: Global Cocoa Bean Production by Region (2013/14E)
Figure 8: Global Cocoa Beans Market Trade Analysis, 2000-12 (US$ per tonne)
Figure 9: Global Cocoa Beans Exports by Value & Volume, 2009-13 (US$ Trillion & Million Tons)
Table 4: Global Cocoa Beans Exports Value by Nations, 2009-13 (US$ Thousands)
Table 5: Global Cocoa Beans Exports Volume by Nations, 2009-13 (Tons)
Figure 10: Global Cocoa Beans Imports by Value & Volume, 2009-13 (US$ Trillion & Million Tons)
Table 6: Global Cocoa Beans Imports Value by Nations, 2009-13 (US$ Thousands)
Table 7: Global Cocoa Beans Imports Volume by Nations, 2009-13 (Tons)
Figure 11: Global Cocoa Butter Market Trade Analysis, 2000-12 (US$ per tonne)
Figure 12: Global Cocoa Butter Exports by Value & Volume, 2009-13 (US$ Trillion & Million Tons)
Table 8: Global Cocoa Butter Exports by Value, 2009-13 (US$ Thousands)
Table 9: Global Cocoa Butter Exports Volume by Nations, 2009-13 (Tons)
Figure 13: Global Cocoa Butter Imports by Value & Volume, 2009-13 (US$ Trillion & Million Tons)
Table 10: Global Cocoa Butter Imports Value by Nations, 2009-13 (US$ Thousands)
Table 11: Global Cocoa Butter Imports Volume by Nations, 2009-13 (Tons)
Figure 14: Global Cocoa Powder Market Trade Analysis, 2000-12 (US$ per tonne)
Figure 15: Global Cocoa Powder Exports by Value & Volume, 2009-13 (US$ Trillion & Million Tons)
Table 12: Global Cocoa Powder Exports Value by Nations, 2009-13 (US$ Thousands)
Table 13: Global Cocoa Powder Exports Volume by Nations, 2009-13 (Tons)
Figure 16: Global Cocoa Powder Imports by Value & Volume, 2009-13 (US$ Trillion & Million Tons)
Table 14: Global Cocoa Powder Imports Value by Nations, 2009-13 (US$ Thousands)
Table 15: Global Cocoa Powder Imports Volume by Nations, 2009-13 (Tons)
Figure 17: Global Chocolate & Other Foods containing Cocoa
Exports by Value & Volume, 2009-13 (US$ Trillion & Million Tons)
Table 16: Global Chocolate & Other Foods containing Cocoa Exports Value by Nations, 2009-13 (US$ Thousands)
Table 17: Global Chocolate & Other Foods containing Cocoa Exports Volume by Nations, 2009-13 (Tons)
Figure 18: Global Chocolate & Other Foods containing Cocoa
Imports by Value & Volume, 2009-13 (US$ Trillion & Million Tons)
Table 18: Global Chocolate & Other Foods containing Cocoa Imports Value by Nations, 2009-13 (US$ Thousands)
Table 19: Global Chocolate & Other Foods containing Cocoa Imports Volume by Nations, 2009-13 (Tons)
Table 20: Cocoa Production in Leading African Nations (2012)
Figure 19: Ivory Coast Cocoa Bean Production, 2008/09–2012/13E (‘000 Tonnes)
Figure 20: Ghana Cocoa Bean Production, 2008/09–2012/13E (‘000 Tonnes)
Table 21: Cocoa Bean Production in Nations in America (2012)
Figure 21: Brazil Cocoa Bean Production, 2008/09–2012/13E (‘000 Tonnes)
Figure 22: Ecuador Cocoa Bean Production, 2008/09–2012/13E (‘000 Tonnes)
Table 22: Cocoa Bean Production in Nations in Asia & Oceania (2012)
Figure 23: Indonesia Cocoa Bean Production, 2008/09–2012/13E (‘000 Tonnes)
Figure 24: Cocoa Consumption in Emerging Asian Markets, 2001/02- 2011/12 (‘000 tonnes)
Table 23: Pest/Diseases Affecting Cocoa & Potential Crop Loss
Figure 25: Geographic Spread of Chocolate Launches by Region (till May 2013)
Table 24: Financial Comparison of Leading Confectionery Brand Owners (2013)
Table 25: Comparison of Leading Confectionery Producers (2013)
Figure 26: Mondelez International Inc. Revenue by Consumer Sectors (2013)
Figure 27: Mondelez International Inc. Net Revenue, 2009-13 (US$ Trillions)
Figure 28: Nestle S.A. Revenue by Products (2013)
Figure 29: Nestle S.A. Revenue, 2010-13 (US$ Trillions)