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Global Industrial Software Market (2014-2019) - Market Research Solutions India

Global Industrial Software Market: Trends and Opportunities (2014-2019)

Publish Date:November 2014
No. of Pages:68

Format : Adobe Reader (PDF) Instant delivery

US$ 800.00

Scope of the report

The report titled “Global Industrial Software Market: Trends and Opportunities (2014-2019)’’ provides an in-depth analysis of the global industrial software market. It is a comprehensive guide to the market size and growth prospects. The report covers specific insights on the market size, penetration, drivers, developments and future outlook of the Industrial Software market globally. Also, the key opportunities, the factors driving growth of the market and challenges being faced by the players in the industry are outlined and analyzed in the forecast period (2014-19). The report also considers market environment factors, details industry structure, evaluates company market share and further, key players of the industry like ABB, Schneider and Siemens are profiled.

Company Coverage


Executive Summary

For all industries ranging from chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, car and machine tool industries, industrial software has revolutionized the innovation cycles by virtually creating, testing and optimizing products, and thereby slashing time and costs.

A highly consolidated industry with top four companies controlling about three fourth of the global market, the industrial software market is characterized by the presence of large automation companies. The market is lucrative as it offers huge profit margins and organic growth is also very high. Acquisitions are a major trend in the industrial software business.

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1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction: Industrial Software

2.1 Industrial Software: An overview
2.2 Subcategories of Industrial Software

2.2.1 Free Industrial Software
2.2.2 Construction Software
2.2.3 Production and Manufacturing Software
2.2.4 Industrial Automation Software
2.2.5 Computer-aided Engineering Software
2.2.6 Computer-aided Design Software
2.2.7 MES Software

2.3 Applications of Industrial Software

2.3.1 Metrology
2.3.2 Motion Control & Drives: embedded software to control motion
2.3.3 CNC: Computerized numeric control – embedded software
2.3.4 PLC– programmable logic control
2.3.5 Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC)
2.3.6 Industrial PCs
2.3.7 DCS – distributed control systems

3. Global Industrial Software Market: An Analysis

3.1 Global Industrial Software Market Overview
3.2 Global Industrial Software Market Size Analysis

4. Industrial Software Market: Segment Analysis

4.1 Product Life Cycle Management (PLM)
4.2 Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)

5. Market Dynamics: Growth drivers and Challenges

5.1 Growth Drivers

5.1.1 A high margin business
5.1.2 High Customer Overlap
5.1.3 Huge growth potential
5.1.4 Leveraging industrial software for additional revenues
5.1.5 Automation companies leveraging the entire value chain
5.1.6 Key driver of industrial growth

5.2 Market Challenges

5.2.1 Slow Adoption of Industrial Software
5.2.2 Manufacturing Affordable Individualized Products
5.2.3 Threat of New Competitors

6. Global Industrial Software Market Trends

6.1 An Increasingly Important Offering for Automation Companies
6.2 3D printing
6.3 Increasing Acquisitions of software companies
6.4 Increase in Outsourcing of Service Activities

7. Competitive Landscape: Global Industrial Software Market

8. Company Profiles: Global Industrial Software Market

8.1 ABB

8.1.1 Business Overview
8.1.2 Financial Overview
8.1.3 Business Strategies

8.2 Schneider

8.2.1 Business Overview
8.2.2 Financial Overview
8.2.3 Business Strategies

8.3 Siemens

8.3.1 Business Overview
8.3.2 Financial Overview
8.3.3 Business Strategies

Figure 1: Breakdown of the Industrial Software opportunity (2013)
Figure 2: Market Size of Global Industrial Software Market, 2008-13
(US$ Billions)
Figure 3: Market Size of Global Industrial Software Market - Forecast, 2014-19E
(US$ Billions)
Figure 4: Market Size of PLM, 2013-2019E (US$ Billions)
Figure 5: Market Size of EAM, 2013-2019E (US$ Billions)
Figure 6: Market share of EAM, 2013
Figure 7: Software vs. Hardware Margins, 2013
Figure 8: Market Share of Major Service Providers of Industrial Software (2012-13)
Table 1: Global automation companies and their exposure to Industrial Software (2014E)
Table 2: Important Achievements of ABB in the Last Decade
Table 3: Business and Products Portfolio of ABB
Figure 9: Revenue by Segment of ABB, 2013 (US$ Millions)
Figure 10: Revenue Split of ABB by Division, 2013
Figure 11: Operational Revenue of ABB, 2011-13 (US$ Millions)
Figure 12: Consolidated Revenue of Schneider, 2011-13 (US$ Millions)
Figure 13: Schneider Industry Sales by Type (2014E)
Figure 14: Operating Revenue of Schneider, 2011-13 (US$ Millions)
Figure 15: Consolidated Revenue of Siemens, 2012-13 (US$ Millions)
Figure 16: Siemens Revenue by Segment, 2013 (US$ Millions)
Figure 17: Siemens Revenue from operations, 2012-13 (US$ Millions)