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The Global Flexible Workspace Market | Industry Analysis 2020

Global Flexible Workspace Market: Size and Forecasts with Impact Analysis of Covid-19 (2020-2024)

Publish Date:May 2020
No. of Pages:73

Format : Adobe Reader (PDF) Instant delivery

US$ 850.00

Scope of the Report

Best Global Flexible Workspace Market Report from 2020 to 2024

The report entitled “Global Flexible Workspace Market with Focus on Co-Working Spaces: Size and Forecasts with Impact Analysis of Covid-19(2020-2024)”, provides analysis of the global flexible workspace market, with detailed analysis of impact of Covid-19, value, volume and segments. The report also provides the analysis of flexible workspace market size in terms of volume for countries such as the US and UK.

Moreover, the report also assesses the key opportunities in the market and outlines the factors that are and would be driving the growth of the industry. Growth of the overall flexible workspace market has also been forecasted for the period 2020-2024, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.

The global flexible workspace market is a highly fragmented market. The UK alone has more than 3000 flex space providers. IWG Plc., WeWork Cos Inc., Servcorp and Bizspace Ltd are some of the key players operating in the global flexible workspace market, whose company profiling has been done in the report. In this segment of the report, business overview, financial overview and business strategies of the companies are provided.

Company Coverage

IWG Plc.
WeWork Inc.
Bizspace Ltd

Regional Coverage

Americas - The US
Asia Pacific – India

Executive Summary

The term workspace refers to the place where a company conducts it day to day activity for running the business. A workspace can be a building or a space within a building. The workspace can be a rented/leased space or purchased property of the company. The workspace can be classified in two categories: Traditional Workspace and Flexible Workspace.

Traditional workspace is the conventional workspace in which the workstation is fixed. The flexible workspace allow staff to work from alternate locations and to only work from the office when necessary. The flexible workspace allows the multiple organizations employees to work in a sharing environment.

The flexible workspacecan further be classified on the basis of ownership and presence. The ownership category comprised of private and shared flexible workspace. The presence flexible workspace comprised physical and virtual workspace. The broadly types of flexible workspace are: Collaborative Workspace contain Co-working, Hot-Desk, Touchdown Space; Serviced Office; Manufacturing Space; Virtual Office.

Cost efficiency, reduced overhead cost, networking and seamless connectivity have been crucial benefits that intensified the demand for flexible workspaces in the past decade. However, 2020 is expected to be a tough year for the market due to the outbreak of Covid-19. The pandemic has resulted into lockdowns and many co-working space operators have shut down their spaces in the first quarter itself. The market is expected to rebound and make a gradual comeback from 2021 and grow at a healthy rate in the years ahead. Rebound is backed by the expectation that industry players would increase adoption of alternative business models.

Tags :

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

2.1 Workspace: An Overview
2.2 Segmentation of Flexible Workspace 

2.2.1 Segmentation of Flexible Workspace on the Basis of Ownership
2.2.2 Segmentation of Flexible Workspace on the Basis of Presence

2.3 Types Of Flexible Workspace

2.3.1 Collaborative Workspace
2.3.2 Serviced Office 
2.3.3 Manufacturing Space
2.3.4 Virtual Office

2.4 Advantages And Disadvantages of Flexible Workspace

3. Global Market Analysis

3.1 Global Flexible Workspace Market: An Analysis

3.1.1 Global Flexible Workspace Market by Value
3.1.2 Global Flexible Workspace Market by Volume
3.1.3 Global Flexible Workspace Market Volume by Type of Workspace (Co-Working and Others)
3.1.4 Global Co-Working Flexible Workspace Market by Volume
3.1.5 Global Others Flexible Workspace Market by Volume

3.2 Global Co-working Flexible Workspace Market by Co-Working Growth Per Capita

3.3 Global Flexible Workspace Market: Pricing Analysis
3.3.1 Global Flexible Workspace Market by Desk Rate

3.4 Global Flexible Workspace Market: Enquiry Growth Analysis
3.4.1 Global Flexible Workspace Market by City Specific Enquiry Growth 

3.5 Global Flexible Workspace Market: Regional Analysis

3.5.1 Global Flexible Workspace Market Volume by Share of Region (Europe, Middle East and Africa, Asia Pacific and Americas)
3.5.2 Global Flexible Workspace Market Volume by Region

4. Regional Analysis 

4.1 Europe Flexible Workspace Market: An Analysis

4.1.1 UK Flexible Workspace Market by Volume
4.1.2 UK Flexible Workspace Market Volume by Type of Workspace (Co-Working and Others)
4.1.3 UK Co-working Flexible Workspace Market by Volume
4.1.4 Percentage of Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Provided by Flexible Operators 
4.1.5 The UK Flexible Workspace Market by Number of Deals

4.2 Americas Flexible Workspace Market: An Analysis

4.2.1 The US Flexible Workspace Market: State Wise Distribution 
4.2.2 The US Co-working Flexible Workspace Market by Volume

5. Global Impact of Covid-19

5.1 Impact on Global Flexible Workspaces Market
5.1.1 Implications for Co-Working Spaces

5.2 Impact on Global Co-Working Spaces Market
5.2.1 Adoption of Alternative Business Models 
5.2.2 Expected Trends in Global Co-Working Spaces Market

6. Regional Impact of Covid-19

6.1 Impact on Indian Co-Working Spaces Market
6.2 Expected Trends in Indian Co-Working Spaces Market

7. Competitive Landscape

7.1 Global Flexible Workspace Market: Players Overview
7.2 UK Flexible Workspace Market: An Analysis

7.2.1 UK Flexible Workspace Market by Number of Flexible Workspace Operators
7.2.2 The UK Flexible Workspace Market by Type of Operator 

7.3 The US Flexible Workspace Market: An Analysis

7.3.1 The US Flexible Workspace Market Players by Size of Operator

8.Company Profiles

8.1 IWG Plc
8.1.1 Business Overview
8.1.2 Financial Overview
8.1.3 Business Strategy

8.2 WeWork Inc.
8.2.1 Business Overview
8.2.2 Business Strategy

8.3 Servcorp
8.3.1 Business Overview
8.3.2 Financial Overview
8.3.3 Business Strategy

8.4 Bizspace Ltd
8.4.1 Business Overview
8.4.2 Business Strategy
Figure 1: Types of Workspace
Figure 2: Segmentation of Flexible Workspace
Figure 3: Types Of Flexible Workspace
Figure 4: Global Flexible Workspace Market by Value; 2019-2024 (US$ Billion)
Figure 5: Global Flexible Workspace Market by Volume; 2017-2019
Figure 6: Global Flexible Workspace Market by Volume; 2020-2024
Figure 7: Global Flexible Workspace Market Volume by Type of Workspace; 2019 (Percentage,%)
Figure 8: Global Co- Working Flexible Workspace Market by Volume; 2017-2019
Figure 9: Global Co- Working Flexible Workspace Market by Volume; 2020-2024
Figure 10: Global Others Flexible Workspace Market by Volume; 2017-2019
Figure 11: Global Others Flexible Workspace Market by Volume; 2020-2024
Figure 12: Global Co-Working Spaces Market by Type of Business; 2019 (Percentage,%)
Figure 13: Global Flexible Workspace Market by Achievable Desk Rate; 2018
Figure 14: Global Flexible Workspace Market by City Specific Enquiry Growth; 2019 (Percentage,%)
Figure 15: Global Flexible Workspace Market Volume by Share of Region; 2019 (Percentage,%)
Figure 16: Global Flexible Workspace Market Volume by Region; 2017-2019
Figure 17: UK Flexible Workspace Market by Volume; 2017-2019
Figure 18: UK Flexible Workspace Market by Volume; 2020-2024
Figure 19: UK Flexible Workspace Market Volume by Type of Workspace; 2019 (Percentage,%)
Figure 20: UK Co-Working Flexible Workspace Market by Volume; 2017-2019
Figure 21: UK Co-Working Flexible Workspace Market by Volume; 2020-2024
Figure 22: Percentage of CRE Provided by Flexible Operators in the UK; 2019
Figure 23: Flexible Workspace Take Up in Central London; 2015-2019
Figure 24: The US Co-working Flexible workspace Market by Volume; 2017-2019
Figure 25: The US Co-working Flexible workspace Market by Volume; 2020-2024
Figure 26: Covid-19 Impact on Global Co-Working Space Operators; 2020 (Percentage,%)
Figure 27: UK Flexible Workspace Market by Number of Flexible Workspace Operators; 2019
Figure 28: UK Flexible Workspace Market Share by Operator Type; 2016-2019 (Percentage,%)
Figure 29: The US Flexible Workspace Market Players by Size of Operator; 2019 (Percentage,%)
Figure 30: IWG Plc. Revenue; 2015-2019 (US$ Billion)
Figure 31: IWG Plc. Revenue by Region; 2019
Figure 32: Servcorp Revenue; 2015-2019 (US$ Million)
Figure 33: Servcorp Revenue by Region; 2019
Table 1: Overview of Traditional and Flexible Workspace
Table 2: Top Countries Worldwide by Co-working Growth Per Capita; 2019
Table 3: Number of Flexible Workspaces in the US by State; Q1 2019
Table 4: Expected Trends in Global Co-Working Spaces Market
Table 5: Possible Scenarios with Lessee as a Domestic Firm
Table 6: Possible Scenarios with Lessee as a MNC
Table 7: Trends in Indian Co-Working Spaces Market: Pre Covid 19 Period
Table 8: Expected Trends in Indian Co-Working Spaces Market: During and Post Covid 19 Period