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The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market: (2021-2025) Impact Analysis of COVID-19

The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market: Size and Forecasts with Impact Analysis of Covid-19 (2021-2025 Edition)

Publish Date:Aug 2021
No. of Pages:55

Format : Adobe Reader (PDF) Instant delivery

US$ 850.00

The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market Research Reports 2021-2025

The report entitled “The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market: Size and Forecasts with Impact Analysis of Covid-19 (2021-2025 Edition)”, provides analysis of the US anesthesia drugs and devices market, with detailed analysis of impact of Covid-19, market size in terms of value and segments.

Growth of the US anesthesia drugs and devices market has also been forecasted for the years 2021-2025, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.

KKR & Co. Inc. (Envision Healthcare Corporation), Blackstone (TeamHealth) and Baxter International Inc. are some of the key players operating in the US anesthesia drugs and devices market, whose company profiling has been done in the report. In this segment of the report, business overview, financial overview and business strategies of the companies are provided.

Company Coverage

KKR & Co. Inc. (Envision Healthcare Corporation)
Blackstone (TeamHealth)
Baxter International Inc.  

Executive Summary

An anesthetic is a drug to avoid pain during surgery. A wide variety of drugs are used in modern anesthetic practice. Many are rarely used outside of anesthesia, although others are used commonly by all disciplines. All the drugs are categorized under the three main categories, namely, general anesthesia, regional anesthesia and local anesthesia.

Anesthesia is required in mostly all surgery. Anesthesia is a pain remover during surgery. Though it is a pain killer, there are many side effects of using anesthesia which may vary according to the type of the drug or the physical response of the patients like allergy. The side effects occurs in many forms like nausea, vomiting, sore throat, headaches, back pain etc. Anesthesia is gaining popularity in the US usually in the age group between 50 years age to 75 years of age.

The US anesthesia drugs and devices market progressed at a steady pace after the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the market is expected to increase at high growth rates during the forecasted period (2021-2025).

The US anesthesia drugs and devices market is supported by various growth drivers, such as increasing geriatric population, increase in monitored anesthesia use, growing healthcare expenditure, etc. Yet, the market faces certain challenges, such as, side effects of anesthesia, lack of skilled anesthesiologist, etc. Few new market trends are also provided such as, escalating establishment of ambulatory surgical centers (ASC), technological enhancement of anesthesia devices etc. Furthermore, the impact of Covid-19 pandemic is also analyzed in the report.

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1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

2.1 Anesthesia: An Overview
2.1.1 Types of Anesthesia
2.1.2 Anesthesia Side Effects

2.2 Regional Anesthesia: An Overview
2.3 Anesthesia Devices: An Overview 
2.4 Anesthesia: End Users

3. Market Analysis

3.1 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market: An Analysis

3.1.1 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market by Value
3.1.2 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market by Segment (Drugs and Devices)

3.2 The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market: Segment Analysis

3.2.1 The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value
3.2.2 The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Type (general, local and other anesthesia)
3.2.3 The US General Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value
3.2.4 The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value
3.2.5 The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Value

4. Impact of Covid-19

4.1 COVID-19: An Analysis
4.2 Response of Industry
4.3 The US Number of COVID-19 Total Cases

5. Market Dynamics

5.1 Growth Drivers
5.1.1 Rising Geriatric Population
5.1.2 Growing Healthcare Expenditure
5.1.3 Increase in Monitored Anesthesia Use

5.2 Challenges
5.2.1 Side Effects of Anesthesia
5.2.2 Lack of Skilled Anesthesiologist

5.3 Market Trends
5.3.1 Escalating Establishment of Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASC)
5.3.2 Technological Enhancement of Anesthesia Devices

6. Competitive Landscape

6.1 The US Anesthesia Hospital Market Shares by Players
6.2 The US Anesthesia Service Market by Other Private Providers
6.3 The US Anesthesiology Service Market Players by Services

7. Company Profiles

7.1 KKR & Co. Inc. (Envision Healthcare Corporation)
7.1.1 Business Overview
7.1.2 Business Strategy

7.2 Baxter International Inc.
7.2.1 Business Overview
7.2.2 Financial Overview
7.2.3 Business Strategy

7.3 Blackstone (TeamHealth)
7.3.1 Business Overview
7.3.2 Business Strategy
Figure 1: Types of Anesthesia
Figure 2: Types of Regional Anesthesia
Figure 3: Anesthesia Devices Market Segments by Product Type
Figure 4: Anesthesia Devices Market Segments by Disposables and Accessories
Figure 5: Anesthesia End Users
Figure 6: The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market by Value; 2017-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 7: The US Anesthesia Drugs and Devices Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 8: The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Segment; 2020 (Percentage, %)
Figure 9: The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2017-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 10: The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 11: The US Anesthesia Drugs Market by Type; 2020 (Percentage, %)
Figure 12: The US General Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2018-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 13: The US General Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 14: The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2018-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 15: The US Local Anesthesia Drugs Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 16: The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2017-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 17: The US Anesthesia Devices Market by Value; 2021-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 18: The US Number of COVID-19 Total Cases, 2020-2021 (Thousand)
Figure 19: The US Old Age Population (65 years and Older); 2016-2020 (Million)
Figure 20: The US Healthcare Expenditure; 2016-2020 (US$ Trillion)
Figure 21: The US Ambulatory Surgical Centers; 2020-2025 (US$ Billion)
Figure 22: The US Anesthesia Hospital Shares by Players; 2020 (Percentage, %)
Figure 23: Envision Healthcare Corporation Offerings
Figure 24: Baxter International Inc. Net Sales; 2016-2020 (US$ Billion)
Figure 25: Baxter International Inc. Net Sales by Segment; 2020 (Percentage, %)
Figure 26: Baxter International Inc. Net Sales by Region; 2020 (Percentage, %)
Figure 27: TeamHealth Offerings
Table 1: The US Anesthesia Service Market by Other Private Providers
Table 2: The US Anesthesiology Service Market Players by Services