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Global Movie Theatres Market Reserch Reports || Movie theater industry statistics at Daedal Research

Global Movie Theatres Market: Size, Trends & Forecasts (2019-2023 Edition)

Publish Date:Dec 2019
No. of Pages:101

Format : Adobe Reader (PDF) Instant delivery

US$ 950.00

Global Movie Theatres Market Reports, Size, Trends & Forecasts

The report entitled “Global Movie Theatres Market: Size, Trends & Forecasts (2019-2023 Edition)”, provides an in-depth analysis of the global movie theatres market with detailed analysis of market size and growth. The analysis includes market in terms of value as well as volume, market share by region and screen format. A detailed analysis of global movie theatre screen has also been provided in the report which includes sizing of 3D digital screen and premium large format screen in terms of volume and screen share by region.

The report provides detailed regional/country analysis of the US, Asia Pacific, China, India, EMEA, the UK, Netherlands and Latin America for the movie theatre market. Regional analysis include market sizing by value of each region, historical and forecast.

Growth of the global movie theatre market has also been forecasted for the period 2019-2023, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.

A brief company profiling of major market players namely AMC/Carmike, Regal Entertainment, and Cinemark has been provided in the report on the basis of aspects like business overview, financial overview and business strategies adopted by respective companies.

Company Coverage

Regal Entertainment

Executive Summary

A movie theatre is a place which comprises an auditorium for watching movies. In movie theatres, film is projected with a movie projector on a large projection screen at the front of the auditorium while the songs, dialogue and music are played though a number of speakers. A wide variety of movies are shown at theatres ranging from blockbuster, animated films, and documentaries.

Movie theatres are broadly categorized into four types namely Multiplexes and megaplexes, IMAX, Independent and Second Run and Drive In. A place at a movie theatre where tickets are bought or reserved is known as box office.

The global movie theatre market has grown at a rapid pace in the past few years with the high growth of the global box office market. The global box office market increased at a notable CAGR over span of five years, i.e. 2014-2018 and predictions are that the market would follow the same trend over the forecasted period as well i.e. 2019-2023.

Growth in the market are primarily driven by factors such as: digitization in the media and entertainment space, innovation in the film industry, rising number of frequent moviegoers, investment in new theatre technology and rising consumer spending on box office etc.

Tags :

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

2.1 Overview of Movie Theatre
2.1.1 Types of Movie Theatre

2.2 Overview of Box Office

3. Global Market Analysis

3.1 Global Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market Analysis

3.1.1 Global Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market by Value
3.1.2 Global Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market by Segments (Theatrical, Digital Home Entertainment, Physical Home Entertainment)

3.2 Global Box Office Market Analysis

3.2.1 Global Box Office Market by Value
3.2.2 Global Box Office Market by Region
3.2.3 Global Box Office Market by Country 

3.3 Global Movie Theatre Screen Market Analysis

3.3.1 Global Movie Theatre Market by Screen Format
3.3.2 Global Movie Theatre Screen by Volume
3.3.3 Global Movie Theatre Screen by Region
3.3.4 Global Movie Theatre Screen Count by Region
3.3.5 Global Movie Theatre Screen Count by Country
3.3.6 Global Movie Theatre Market by Digital-3D Screen Count
3.3.7 Global 3D-Digital Screen Count by Region
3.3.8 Global Movie Theatre Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count
3.3.9 Global Premium Large Format (PLF) Screen Count by Region

3.4 Global Movie Theatre Admission Analysis

3.4.1 Global Movie Theatre Admission by per Capita
3.4.2 Global Movie Theatre Market by Movie Pass Subscribers

4. Region/Country Analysis

4.1 The US. Movie Theatre Market Analysis

4.1.1 The US. Box Office Market by Value 
4.1.2 The US. Movie Theatre Screen by Format
4.1.3 The US. Movie Theatre Screen Count by Format
4.1.4 The US. Movie Theater Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count
4.1.5 The US Movie Theater Screens by Type of Venue 
4.1.6 The US Movie Theatre Market by Volume
4.1.7 The US Top 20 Films Comparison by Earnings 
4.1.8 The US Movie Theatre Market by Admission
4.1.9 The US Movie Theatre Market by Movie Pass Admission 
4.1.10 The US Movie Theatre Market by Number of Moviegoers
4.1.11 The US Movie Theatre Market by Movie Pass Purchase

4.2 Asia Pacific Movie Theatre Market Analysis 

4.2.1 Asia Pacific Box Office Market by Value 
4.2.2 Asia Pacific Movie Theatre Market by Digital-3D Screen Count
4.2.3 Asia Pacific Movie Theatre Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count

4.3 China Movie Theatre Market Analysis 

4.3.1 China Box Office Market by Value
4.3.2 China Domestic Box Office Market by Value 
4.3.3 China Movie Theatre Admission by per Capita
4.3.4 China Movie Theatre Market by Screen Count 

4.4 India Movie Theatre Market Analysis 

4.4.1 India Box Office Market by Value
4.4.2 India Multiplex Theatre Market by Revenue and Footfalls
4.4.3 India Single Screens Theatre Market by Revenue and Footfalls
4.4.4 India Movie Theatre Market by Screen Share
4.4.5 India Movie Theatre Market by Footfall Share
4.4.6 India Movie Theatre Market by Box Office Revenue Share

4.5 EMEA Movie Theatre Market Analysis

4.5.1 EMEA Box Office Market by Value
4.5.2 EMEA Movie Theatre Screen by Format
4.5.3 EMEA Movie Theatre Market by Digital-3D Screen Count
4.5.4 EMEA Movie Theatre Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count

4.6 UK Movie Theatre Market Analysis 

4.6.1 UK Box Office Market by Value
4.6.2 UK Movie Theatre Market by Admissions
4.7 Netherlands Movie Theatre Market Analysis 
4.7.1 Netherlands Box Office Market by Value

4.8 Latin America Movie Theatre Market Analysis 

4.8.1 Latin America Box Office Market by Value
4.8.2 Latin America Movie Theater Market by Digital-3D Screen Count
4.8.3 Latin America Movie Theater Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count

5. Competitive Landscape

5.1 Global Premium Large Format (PLF) Movie Theatre Market Players by Share 
5.2 India Movie Theatre Screen Share by Players
5.3 North America Movie Theatre Market Competitive Landscape
5.4 The US Box Office Market Players by Average Ticket Price
5.5 The US Movie Theatre Screen Share by Players
5.6 The US Movie Theatre Site Share by Players
5.7 The US Movie Attendance by Players
5.8 The US Screen Count by Players

6. Company Profiles

6.1 Regal Entertainment Group
6.1.1 Business Overview
6.1.2 Financial Overview
6.1.3 Business Strategy

6.2 Cinemark Holdings
6.2.1 Business Overview
6.2.2 Financial Overview
6.2.3 Business Strategy

6.3 AMC Entertainment Group
6.3.1 Business Overview
6.3.2 Financial Overview
6.3.3 Business Strategy
Figure 1: Types of Movie Theatre
Figure 2: Global Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market by Value; 2014-2018 (US$ Billion)
Figure 3: Global Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market by Segments; 2018
Figure 4: Global Box Office Market by Value; 2014-2018 (US$ Billion)
Figure 5: Global Box Office Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 6: Global Box Office Market by Region; 2018
Figure 7: Global Movie Theatre Market by Screen Format; 2018
Figure 8: Global Movie Theatre Screen by Volume; 2018
Figure 9: Global Movie Theatre Screen by Region; 2018
Figure 10: Global Movie Theatre Screen Count by Region; 2018
Figure 11: Global Movie Theatre Screen Count by Country; 2018
Figure 12: Global Movie Theatre Market by Digital-3D Screen Count; 2014-2018
Figure 13: Global 3D-Digital Screen Count by Region; 2018
Figure 14: Global Movie Theatre Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count; 2014-2018
Figure 15: Global Premium Large Format (PLF) Screen Count by Region; 2018
Figure 16 : Global Movie Theatre Admission by per Capita; 2017
Figure 17: Global Movie Theatre Market by Movie Pass Subscribers; 2017-2018 (Million)
Figure 18: Global Movie Theatre Market by Movie Pass Subscribers; 2019-2023 (Million)
Figure 19: The US Box Office Market by Value; 2014-2018 (US$ Billion)
Figure 20: The US Box Office Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 21: The US Movie Theatre Screen by Format; 2018
Figure 22: The US Movie Theatre Screen Count by Format; 2014-2018
Figure 23: The US Movie Theater Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count; 2014-2018
Figure 24: The US Movie Theater Screens by Type of Venue; 2018 (Percentage,%)
Figure 25: The US Movie Theatre Market by Volume; 2014-2019
Figure 26: The US Movie Theatre Market by Admission; 2014-2018 (Billion)
Figure 27: The US Movie Theatre Market by Admission; 2019-2023 (Billion)
Figure 28: The US Movie Theatre Market by Movie Pass Admission and Penetration Rate; 2017-2022 (Million)
Figure 29: The US Movie Theatre Market by Number of Moviegoers and Average Number of Tickets per Moviegoer; 2017-2018 (Million)
Figure 30: The US Movie Theatre Market by Movie Pass Purchase; 2017 & 2022E
Figure 31: Asia Pacific Box Office Market by Value; 2014-2018 (US$ Billion)
Figure 32: Asia Pacific Box Office Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 33: Asia Pacific Movie Theatre Market by Digital-3D Screen Count; 2014-2018
Figure 34: Asia Pacific Movie Theatre Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count; 2014-2018
Figure 35: China Box Office Market by Value; 2014-2018 (US$ Billion)
Figure 36: China Box Office Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 37: China Domestic Box Office Market by Value; 2013-2017 (US$ Billion)
Figure 38: China Movie Theatre Admission by per Capita; 2014-2018
Figure 39: China Movie Theatre Admission by per Capita; 2019-2023
Figure 40: China Movie Theatre Market by Screen Count; 2014-2018
Figure 41: India Box Office Market by Value; 2014-2018 (US$ Billion)
Figure 42: India Box Office Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 43: India Multiplex Theatre Market by Revenue and Footfalls; 2016-2018
Figure 44: India Multiplex Theatre Market by Revenue and Footfalls; 2019-2023
Figure 45: India Single Screens Theatre Market by Revenue and Footfalls; 2016-2018 (US$ Billion)
Figure 46: India Single Screens Theatre Market by Revenue and Footfalls; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 47: India Movie Theatre Market by Screen Share; 2018
Figure 48: India Movie Theatre Market by Footfall Share; 2018 & 2023
Figure 49: India Movie Theatre Market by Box Office Revenue Share; 2018 & 2023
Figure 50: EMEA Box Office Market by Value; 2014-2018 (US$ Billion)
Figure 51: EMEA Movie Theatre Screen by Format; 2018
Figure 52: EMEA Movie Theatre Market by Digital-3D Screen Count; 2014-2018
Figure 53: EMEA Movie Theatre Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count; 2014-2018
Figure 54: UK Box Office Market by Value; 2017-2018 (US$ Billion)
Figure 55: UK Box Office Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 56: UK Movie Theatre Market by Admissions; 2014-2018 (Millions)
Figure 57: Netherlands Box Office Market by Value; 2014-2018 (US$ Billion)
Figure 58: Netherlands Box Office Market by Value; 2019-2023 (US$ Billion)
Figure 59: Latin America Box Office Market by Value; 2014-2018 (US$ Billion)
Figure 60: Latin America Movie Theater Market by Digital-3D Screen Count; 2014-2018
Figure 61: Latin America Movie Theater Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count; 2014-2018
Figure 62: Global PLF Movie Theatre Market Players by Share; 2018
Figure 63: India Multi Screen Share by Players; 2018
Figure 64: The US Box Office Market Players by Average Ticket Price; 2018
Figure 65: The US Movie Theatre Screen Share by Players; 2017
Figure 66: The US Movie Theatre Site Share by Players; 2017
Figure 67: The US Movie Attendance by Players; 2017
Figure 68: The US Screen Count by Players; 2017
Table 69: Regal Entertainment Group Revenue; 2013-2017(US$ Billion)
Figure 70: Regal Entertainment Group Revenue by Segments; 2017
Figure 71: Cinemark Holdings Revenue; 2014-2018 (US$ Billion)
Figure 72: Cinemark Holdings Revenue by Segment; 2018
Figure 73: AMC Entertainment Group Revenue; 2014-2018 (US$ Billion)
Figure 74: AMC Entertainment Group Revenue by Segments; 2018
Table 1: Top 20 International Box Office Markets – All Films; 2018 (US$ Billion)
Table 2: The US Top 10 Films Comparison by Earnings; 2018
Table 3: North America Movie Theatre Market Competitive Landscape
Table 4: Regal’s Number of Locations and Theatre Screens; 2017
Table 5: Cinemark Holdings Top 5 Inter Domestic and International Theatres; 2017