Scope of the Report
The report titled “Global Heavy-Duty Diesel Catalyst Market: Trends and Opportunities (2013-2018)” provides an in-depth analysis of global diesel catalyst market with focus on regional markets including North America, Asia and Europe. It also accesses the underlying trends and challenges in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry in the forecasted period (2013-18). Further, it also analyzes the competitive scenario of global heavy duty diesel catalyst market. The profiles of three major players, Johnson Matthey, BASF and Umicore are being included in the report.
Geographical Coverage
North America
Company Coverage
Johnson Matthey
Executive Summary
Heavy duty diesel (HDD) catalysts turn toxic exhaust emissions from diesel fuelled vehicles into non-toxic substances by using precious metals, such as platinum and palladium. Depending on the type of vehicle, the amount and composition of platinum group metals used can differ. Catalytic converters used in diesel vehicles generally need more platinum than typical petrol-engine cars. It is also more difficult to substitute platinum with other catalytic metals such as palladium and rhodium because they do not work as effectively at the lower burn temperatures at which diesel engines operate. As a result, diesel catalysts require much more sophisticated technology; hence the value of catalyst for diesel engines is higher than that for gasoline/petrol engines.
Sales of HDD catalysts is set to grow substantially in emerging markets like China and India where rising automobile sales and stricter emission standards are creating new demand. HDD catalyst market will be driven by the introduction of the Euro VI standard in Europe and Phase IV in China which are expected to come into force in 2014. Sales of HDD catalysts significantly increased in 2012 supported by rise in demand from both on-road and off-road diesel vehicles worldwide. North America, Europe and Japan have established standards that apply to non-road vehicles, locomotive and marine engines. The US and Europe have the most progressive standards in HDD with the strictest requirements regarding nitrogen dioxide emissions as well as levels of particulate matter in the exhaust.
The global HDD catalyst market is oligopolistic in nature with three major players namely Johnson Matthey, Umicore and BASF controlling majority share in 2013. Companies are continuously focusing on upgrading its technology and production lines in developing markets.
Tags :
1. Executive Summary
2. Catalytic Convertors: An Overview
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Diesel Automotive Catalysts
2.3 Key Emissions Categories
2.4 Catalytic Technologies for Diesel Engines
2.4.1 Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC)
2.4.2 Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
2.4.3 Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF)
2.4.4 Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter (CDPF)
2.5 Heavy Duty Diesel (HDD) Legislation
3. Global HDD Catalyst Market: An Analysis
3.1 Market Sizing and Growth (Actual & Forecast)
3.2 HDD Catalyst Sales by Regions
3.3 HDD Catalyst Sales by types: Road and Non-Road
3.4 HDD Catalyst Sales by Competitors
3.5 Emission Norms for HDD Vehicles
3.6 Pricing of HDD Catalysts
4. Global HDD Catalyst Market: Regional Analysis
4.1 North America HDD Catalyst Market
4.2 European HDD Catalyst Market
4.3 Asian HDD Catalyst Market
5. Global HDD Catalyst Market: Growth Drivers and Challenges
5.1 Growth Drivers
5.1.1 Rise in Number of Heavy Diesel Vehicles
5.1.2 New Emission Standards
5.1.3 Demand from Non-Road Diesel Vehicles
5.2 Challenges
5.2.1 Fluctuating Raw Material Prices
5.2.2 Shift towards Gasoline Powered Vehicles
6. Global HDD Catalyst Market: Market Trends
6.1 Rise in Autocatalyst Recycling
6.2 Focus on Emerging Markets
7. Competitive Landscape
8. Global HDD Catalyst Market: Company Profiles
8.1 Johnson Matthey
8.1.1 Business Description
8.1.2 Financial Overview
8.1.3 Business Strategies
8.2 BASF
8.2.1 Business Description
8.2.2 Financial Overview
8.2.3 Business Strategies
8.3 Umicore SA
8.3.1 Business Description
8.3.2 Financial Overview
8.3.3 Business Strategies
List of Figures
Figure 1: Global HDD Catalyst Market Size, 2007-2012 (US$ Million)
Figure 2: Global HDD Catalyst Market Size Forecast, 2013-2018 (US$ Million)
Figure 3: HDD Catalyst Sales by Main Regions, 2012 (US$ Million)
Figure 4: Global HDD Catalysts Sales by Road and Non-Road Category, 2012-2016E
(US$ Million)
Figure 5: Market Share by Players of Global HDD Catalyst, 2013E
Figure 6: Price Components of Catalytic Converter, 2012
Figure 7: HDD Catalyst Average Price per Regulated Vehicle per Region in US$, 2012-2016E
Figure 8: North America HDD Catalyst Market Size, 2012-2016E (US$ Million)
Figure 9: Sales and Production of HDD Trucks in North America, 2012 vs 2013 (In Thousands)
Figure 10: European HDD Catalyst Market Size, 2012-2016E (US$ Million)
Figure 11: Sales and Production of HDD Trucks in Europe, 2012 vs 2013 (In Thousands)
Figure 12: China HDD Catalyst Market Size, 2012-2016E (US$ Million)
Figure 13: China Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles Production, 2012-2016E (In Thousands)
Figure 14: Japan & Korea HDD Catalyst Market Size, 2012-2016E (US$ Million)
Figure 15: Japan Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles Production, 2012-2016E (In Thousands)
Figure 16: Global Number of Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles, 2012-2020 (In Thousands)
Figure 17: Global Construction Equipment Sales Volume, 2006-2014E (In Thousand Units)
Figure 18: Average Prices of Platinum and Palladium in US$ per oz, 2009-2013
Figure 19: Global Recovery of Platinum from Autocatalysts in Tonnes, 2006-2013
Figure 20: Real GDP Growth in Developing Countries, US$ Billion (2009 versus 2015F)
Figure 21: Competitive Landscape of Global HDD Catalyst Market Players, 2013-2020
Figure 22: Johnson Matthey Sales by Division, 2013
Figure 23: Johnson Matthey HDD Catalyst Sales, 2010-2013 (US$ Million)
Figure 24: BASF Sales by Business Segments, 2013
Figure 25: Catalysts as % of Functional Materials and Solutions Segment, 2013
Figure 26: BASF Catalyst Division Sales, 2010-2013 (US$ Million)
Figure 27: Umicore SA Sales by Business Segments, 2013
Figure 28: Umicore SA – Catalysis Segment Sales, 2009-2013 (US$ Million)
Table1: Diesel Catalyst Technologies
Table 2: Regulatory Bodies in Various Countries
Table 3: Regulations for HDD Vehicles Worldwide
Table 4: Operating Margins in the Automotive Industry
Table 5: Regulations for HDD Vehicles Worldwide
Table 6: New Tax Rates for Transport Fuels
Table 7: Shares of Johnson Matthey in HDD Catalyst by Regions, 2012-2016E
Table 8: Shares of Umicore in HDD Catalyst by Regions, 2012-2016E