Scope of the report
The report titled “Global Crop Insurance Industry: Trends and Opportunities (2015-2019)” analyzes the potential opportunities, challenges, demand drivers and significant trends representing the crop industry. The report elucidates facts on the crop insurance industry as supplemented by the latest available statistics. It also profiles and analyzes the leading four companies operating in this industry with latest data and a brief overview of their business and finance structure along with a brief discussion of their future business strategies. The report gives valuable insight into technology used in crop insurance industry, its demand in various geographies. In the report, we also try to study the growth pattern in the production and revenue earned by the crop insurance companies and the latest trends concerning crop industry. Most importantly, we have analyzed the current market size and project future market size of the overall crop insurance industry for the years to come.
Geographical Coverage
The New India Assurance
Products/Sector coverage
Government paid Premium
Farmer paid premium
MPCI Premium
Crop Hail Premium
Executive Summary
The global crop industry has been growing rapidly since the past several years mainly due to increasing demand of food, its flexibility and availability. Among the several varieties of crops available in the market, the demand for crops such as wheat, rice, soya beans, peanuts, sunflower, cotton, dry edible beans, potatoes among others are on a rise due to its easy availability.
Globally, the major factors contributing to the growth of Crop insurance industry is the higher agricultural insurance premium from China, India, and Thailand. Along with the Asia-Pacific region; European countries have had some form of crop or livestock insurance for more than a century. They are now mature markets with high penetration rates and offer comprehensive risk coverage for farmers. The developing countries that have succeeded in setting up a strong crop insurance system (India, China), show that this success has been due, in large part, to public support granted through premium subsidies or reinsurance.
Growth of the crop insurance industry could also be attributed to North America which introduced the revenue-based crop insurance and, more recently, from emerging markets such as China, India and Brazil, driven by rapidly increasing insurance penetration. Agriculture is seen as a diversifying risk to other insurance lines of business and is attracting more and more reinsurance capacity and collateralized reinsurance. Crop Insurance companies are launching new schemes and adopting new strategies in the insurance industry sector and making significant investments.
Tags :
1. Executive Summary
2. Crop Insurance: An Introduction
2.1 Crop Insurance Overview
2.2 Crop Insurance Types
2.3 Comparative Analysis of Crop Insurance Types
2.4 Comparative Analysis of Different Frameworks of Crop Insurance
2.5 Comparative Analysis of International Practices in Crop Insurance
2.5 Public Private Partnerships in Crop Insurance
2.6 Comparative Analysis of Agriculture Insurance Products
2.7 Remote Imaging in Insurance
2.8 Growth of Crop Insurance
3. Global Crop Insurance Market Size: Actual & Forecast (2011-2019 )
4. U.S Crop Insurance Market: An Analysis
4.1 U.S Crop Insurance Market: Actual & Forecast
4.2 U.S Crop Insurance Market: By Segments
4.2.1 Government Paid Premium: By Value (2011-2014)
4.2.2 U.S Crop Insurance Farmer Paid Premium: By Value (2011-2014)
4.3 US Crop Insurance Market by Schemes
4.3.1 Premium Generated by Scheme MPCI (2010-2014)
4.3.2 Premium Generated by Scheme Crop-Hail Insurance (2010-2014)
5. India Crop Insurance Market Size: Actual & Forecast (2011-2019)
5.1 India Crop Insurance Market Size: Actual & Forecast
5.2 India Crop Insurance Market by Schemes
5.2.1 Sum Insured by the Scheme NAIS (2009-2013)
5.2.2 Sum Insured by the Scheme WBCIS: (2009-2013)
6. China Crop Insurance Market Size: Actual & Forecast (2011-2019)
6.1 China Crop Industry Market Size: Actual & Forecast
7. Global Crop Insurance Market Share: 2013
7.1. US Crop Insurance Market Share: An Analysis
7.1.1 US Crop Insurance Premium Market Share by Segments; 2014
7.1.2 US Crop Insurance Premium Market Share by Segments; 2013
7.1.3 US Crop Insurance Revenue Products in Protection Market Share: (By Percentage) 2014
7.1.4 US Crop Insurance Revenue Products in Protection Market Share: (By Percentage) 2013
7.2 India Crop Insurance Market Share: An Analysis
7.2.1 India Agricultural Insurance Market Share: 2013(By Premium Percentage)
7.2.2 India Agricultural Market Share: 2014E (By Premium Percentage)
7.3 China Crop Insurance Market: An Analysis
7.3.1 China Non-Life Insurance Market Share: 2013(By Market Mix)
7.3.2 China Agricultural Insurance Market Share: 2013(By Insurers)
8. Global Crop Insurance Market: Regional Analysis
8.1. US Crop Insurance Market: 2011-2014
8.1.1 U.S Crop Insurance Market Statistics Snapshot
8.1.2 U.S Crop Insurance Types
8.1.3 US-Crop Insurance - Revenue Protection in Force
8.1.4 US Crop Insurance – Total Protection in Force
8.1.5 Crop Contracts in U.S
8.1.6 Acres Insured in U.S
8.1.7 Eligible Acres Insured in U.S
8.2 Indian Crop Insurance Market
8.2.1 Crop Reinsurance Types
8.2.2 Penetration of Agricultural Insurance
8.2.3 Types of Crop Insurance Schemes in India
8.2.4 Total Farmers Engaged Under the Crop Insurance Schemes
8.2.5 Comparative Analysis of Crop Schemes in India
8.2.6 List of Indian Crop Insurers and Reinsurers
8.3 China Crop Insurance Market
8.3.1 China Crop Calendar
8.3.2 China Agricultural Insurance Market: Crops and CAT Exposure per Region
8.3.3 Comparative Analysis on Availability of Crop in China
9. Global Crop Insurance Market Dynamics
9.1 Growth Drivers
9.1.1 Flexible and Affordable
9.1.2 Available and Predictable
9.1.3 Population Shift from Low Income to High Income
9.1.4 Demand Growth for Insurance Products
9.1.5 Strong Potential in Crop Insurance
9.1.6 GDP Growth
9.2 Market Trends
9.2.1 India’s Insurance Market Continues to be Strong
9.2.2 Growing Share of Private Sector
9.2.3 China -Second Largest Agricultural Insurer
9.3 Challenges
9.3.1 Continued Demand Supply Gap
10. Competitive Landscape: Crop Insurance Industry
11. Company Profiles: Crop Insurance Industry
11.1 Lloyd’s
11.1.1 Business Overview
11.1.2 Financial Overview
11.1.3 Business Strategy
11.2 The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.
11.2.1 Business Overview
11.2.2 Financial Overview
11.2.3 Business Strategy
11.3 PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited
11.3.1 Business Overview
11.3.2 Financial Overview
11.3.3 Business Strategy
11.4 Agricultural Insurance Company (AIC) of India Limited
11.4.1 Business Overview
11.4.2 Financial Overview
11.4.3 Business Strategies