Scope of the Report
The report titled “Global Steel Tubes Market with Focus on Stainless Steel Tubes (2016-2020)”, provides an in-depth analysis of the global steel tubes market and its segments.. The report also gives an insight of the global steel market and the global stainless steel tubes market.
The global steel market has been analysed on the basis of global production, consumption and exports. The global steel tubes market has been analysed on the basis of production, consumption, segments and its end use. The global stainless steel tube market has been analysed on the basis of production and segments. The report provides a regional analysis of the steel tubes market, including the following regions: North America, South America, European Union, Asia (excluding China) and China.
The report also assesses the key opportunities in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry. Growth of the overall global steel tubes market has also been forecasted for the period 2016-2020, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends. The competition in the global steel tubes market is dominated by the three big players, ArcelorMittal, Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal and Tubacex S.A., whose business profiling has been done in this report, which include their business overview, financial information and respective business strategies.
Country Coverage
- North America
- South America
- European Union
- Asia (excluding China)
- China
Company Coverage
- ArcelorMittal
- Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal
- Tubacex S.A.
Executive Summary
Steel is a hard, strong grey- bluish alloy of iron with carbon and other elements, used as a structural and fabricating material. The steel industry is the business of processing iron ore into steel, (which in other words, is an iron-carbon alloy) and turning that metal into partially finished products or recycling scrap metal into steel.
The steel industry can be segmented on the basis of steel type and shape of steel. The steel type can be further classified as carbon steel and alloy steel. The shape of the steel can be further segregated as long shape of steel, flat shape of steel and tubular shape of steel.
Steel tubes have applicability for varied purposes and industries. The steel tubes are strong and hence, they are used underground for transporting water and gas throughout cities and towns. They are employed in construction to protect electrical wires. They are also used in automobiles, refrigeration units, heating and plumbing systems, street lamps, etc. The steel tubes can be segmented into welded steel tubes and seamless steel tubes. The welded steel tubes can be further segmented on the basis of diameter. Stainless steel tubes are the part of the steel tubes market. Stainless steel tubes are used where high pressures, high temperatures or corrosive environments are involved.
The steel tubes market is supported by various growth drivers, such as growth in automobile and transportation, increasing aircraft production, rising oil and gas exploration activities, growth in emerging economies and rising global GDP. Yet, the steel tubes market faces certain challenges, such as declining oil prices, declining raw material prices and declining steel prices.
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1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
2.1 Overview of Steel Industry
2.2.1 History of Steel Industry
2.1.2 Segmentation of Steel Industry
2.2 Steel Tubes
2.2.1 History of Steel Tubes
2.2.2 Steel Tubes by Segmentation
2.2.3 Steel Tubes by End Usage
3. Global Market Analysis
3.1 Global Steel Market: An Analysis
3.1.1 Global Steel Market by Production
3.1.2 Global Steel Market by Consumption
3.1.3 Global Steel Market by Region
3.1.4 Global Steel Market Demand by Products
3.1.5 Global Steel Market Demand by End Use Application
3.2 Global Steel Tubes Market: An Analysis
3.2.1 Global Steel Tubes Market by Production
3.2.2 Global Steel Tubes Market by Segments
3.2.3 Global Welded Steel Tubes Market by Production
3.2.4 Global Welded Steel Tubes Market by Segments
3.2.5 Global Welded Steel Tubes Segments by Production
3.2.6 Global Seamless Steel Tubes Market by Production
3.2.7 Global Steel Tubes Market by Exports
3.2.8 Global Steel Tubes Market by End Use Application
4. Global Stainless Steel Tubes Market: An Analysis
4.1 Global Stainless Steel Tubes Market as Share in Global Steel Tubes Market
4.2 Global Stainless Steel Tubes Market by Production
4.3 Global Welded Stainless Steel Tubes Market
4.3.1 Global Welded Stainless Steel Tubes Market by Production
4.3.2 Global Welded Stainless Steel Tubes Market by Demand
4.4 Global Seamless Stainless Steel Tubes Market
4.4.1 Global Seamless Stainless Steel Tubes Market by Production
4.4.2 Global Seamless Stainless Steel Tubes Market by Demand
5. Regional/Country Analysis
5.1 North America Steel Tube Market by Production
5.2 South America Steel Tube Market by Production
5.3 European Union Steel Tube Market by Production
5.3.1 Germany Steel Tube Market by Production
5.4 China Steel Tube Market by Production
5.5 Asia (Excluding China) Steel Tube Market by Production
6. Market Dynamics
6.1 Growth Drivers
6.1.1 Growth in Automobile & Transportation Industry
6.1.2 Rising Aircraft Production
6.1.3 Rapid Industrialization
6.1.4 Rising Oil & Gas Exploration Activities
6.1.5 Increasing Military Expenditure
6.1.6 Increasing GDP
6.2 Challenges
6.2.1 Declining Oil Price
6.2.2 Declining Raw Materials Prices
6.2.3 Decreasing Steel Price
6.3 Market Trends
6.3.1 Application in Different Sectors
6.3.2 Growth in Emerging Economies
6.3.3 Intensity of Steel Consumption
7. Competitive Landscape
8. Company Profiles
8.1 ArcelorMittal
8.1.1 Business Overview
8.1.2 Financial Overview
8.1.3 Business Strategy
8.2 Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal
8.2.1 Business Overview
8.2.2 Financial Overview
8.2.3 Business Strategy
8.3 Tubacex S.A.
8.3.1 Business Overview
8.3.2 Financial Overview
8.3.3 Business Strategy
Figure 1: Segmentation of Steel Industry
Figure 2: Steel Tubes by Shape
Figure 3: Steel Tubes by Segmentation
Figure 4: Steel Tubes by End Usage
Figure 5: Global Steel Market by Production; 2008-2015E (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 6: Global Steel Market by Consumption; 2012-2014 (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 7: Global Steel Market Production by Region; 2014
Figure 8: Global Steel Market by Consumption by Region; 2014
Figure 9: Global Steel Market Demand by Products; 2014
Figure 10: Global Steel Market Demand by End Use Application; 2014
Figure 11: Global Steel Tubes Market by Production; 2008-2015 (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 12: Global Steel Tubes Market by Production; 2016-2020 (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 13: Global Steel Tubes Market by Segments; 2014-2015
Figure 14: Global Welded Steel Tubes by Production; 2008-2015 (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 15: Global Welded Steel Tubes Market by Production; 2016E-2020E (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 16: Global Welded Steel Tubes Market by Segments; 2014-2015
Figure 17: Global Welded Steel Tubes Segments by Production; 2008-2015 (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 18: Global Seamless Steel Tubes by Production; 2008-2015 (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 19: Global Seamless Steel Tubes by Production; 2016-2020 (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 20: Global Steel Tubes Market by Exports; 2009-2014 (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 21: Global Steel Tubes Market by End Use Application; 2014
Figure 22: Global Stainless Steel Tubes Market as Share in Global Steel Tubes Market; 2015
Figure 23: Global Stainless Steel Tubes Market by Production; 2008-2015 (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 24: Global Stainless Welded Steel Tubes Market by Production; 2010-2015 (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 25: Global Stainless Welded Steel Tubes Market by Demand; 2010-2015 (Thousand Tons) 32
Figure 26: Global Seamless Stainless Steel Tubes Market by Production; 2010-2015 (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 27: Global Stainless Steel Tubes Market by Demand; 2010-2015 (Thousand Tons)
Figure 28: North America Steel Tube Market by Production; 2012-2015E (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 29: South America Steel Tube Market by Production; 2012-2015E (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 30: European Union Steel Tube Market by Production; 2012-2015E (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 31: Germany Steel Tube Market by Production; 2012-2015E (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 32: China Steel Tube Market by Production; 2012-2015E (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 33: Asia (Excluding China) Steel Tube Market by Production; 2012-2015E (Million Metric Ton)
Figure 34: Global Automobile Production; 2009-2014 (Million Units)
Figure 35: Global Aircraft Production; 2009-205E (Units)
Figure 36: Global Energy Consumption; 1990-2040 (Billion Metric Ton)
Figure 37: Military Expenditure; 2008-2015 (US$ Billion)
Figure 38: Global GDP; 2009-2014 (US$ Trillion)
Figure 39: Domestic Appliances & Households/Buildings Growth Rate; 2011-2016 (Percentage, %)
Figure 40: Emerging Economies Growth Rate; 2014 (Percentage,%)
Figure 41: ArcelorMittal Revenue; 2011-2015 (US$ Billion)
Figure 42: ArcelorMittal Revenue by Segments; 2015
Figure 43: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Revenue; 2010-2014 (US$ Billion)
Figure 44: Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Revenue by Segments; 2014
Figure 45: Tubacex S.A. Revenue; 2010-2014 (US$ Million)
Figure 46: Tubacex S.A. Revenue by Segments; 2014
Table 1: Financial Comparison of Leading Players in Global Steel Tubes Market